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In the week commencing July 15, 2024, thousands of students across Bangladesh initiated a peaceful protest against the discriminatory quota system in the nation's civil services. This system allocates 30% of government jobs to descendants of the 1971 Independence War veterans and 26% to women, indigenous communities, disabled citizens, and other groups. Consequently, only 44% of the positions are awarded based on merit, significantly limiting opportunities for the majority and exacerbating unemployment. The protest encountered brutal repression from the police and the Bangladesh Student League (BSL), also known as the Bangladesh Chhatra League. By July 20, the violence had escalated, resulting in the deaths of over 300 students and injuries to hundreds more. In response, authorities closed all universities indefinitely and launched widespread assaults on students across major campuses. The violence involved the use of firearms, local weapons, tear gas, sound grenades, and batons. From the night of July 18, the government imposed an internet and mobile network blackout to suppress the protests and prevent the spread of information. This action further isolated students and citizens, cutting them off from emergency services and communication with their families. The severe response represents a gross violation of human rights and democratic principles, turning educational institutions and public streets into conflict zones with rising casualties.

Latest Developments in Bangladesh: The protests, which commenced weeks ago, have escalated in violence at the start of this week following attacks on student protesters by activists of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, the student wing of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League party. Despite the increasing aggression, protesters have remained resolute. In response, the government ordered the closure of all universities on Wednesday, targeting the epicentres of the movement against the quota system. However, students have continued to occupy the campuses, resulting in a tense standoff. The situation deteriorated further on Thursday, culminating in deadly violence. Thousands of students clashed with armed police in Dhaka, leading to the deaths of 11 individuals, including a bus driver and a student, as reported by police sources to Al Jazeera.

What now

‘চোখ বেঁধে, হ্যান্ডকাফ পড়িয়ে তুলে নিয়ে আমাকে শারীরিক ও মানসিক নির্যাতন করা হয়'
- নাহিদ ইসলাম, চলমান কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলের অন্যতম সমন্বয়ক।

ঢাবিতে স্লোগান!

কোটা দিয়ে করব কি,আমার ভাই ফিরবে কি?

তোর কোটা তুই নে,শহীদ ভাইদের ফিরিয়ে দেয়!

আপনি আপনার বাবার মৃত্যুর শোক ৪৯ বছরে ভুলতে পারেন নাই | আমরা ভাইদের মৃত্যুর শোক দুই দিনে ভুলে যাব ! 

                              --- আসিফ রেদোয়ান, আন্দোলনকারী

What now

কমপ্লিট শাটডাউন চলবে। সরকারি বাহিনীর হামলায় নয় শতাধিক ছাত্র জনতা নিহত। সোমবার বাদ জোহর সারাদেশে গায়েবানা জানাজা। রায় প্রত্যাখ্যান করে বৈষম্য বিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনের অফিসিয়াল বিবৃতি।

Complete shutdown will continue. More than nine hundred students were killed in the attack by government forces.​

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Bangladesh is bleeding...

Quota Movement BD



Resignation of Sheikh Hasina and Transition of Power:

We demand that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resign immediately and hand over power to a neutral third party, either the military or a caretaker government. This interim authority should organise a free and fair election in which all political parties can participate, ensuring the restoration of democracy and the protection of citizens' rights.


Immediate Cessation of All Forms of Violence:

We call upon the ruling government of Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Awami League, to immediately cease all forms of violence against the student protesters. This includes the beating and mass killing of innocent students, the looting and raiding of student residential halls, and the assault on individuals peacefully protesting the current quota system. The excessive use of force, such as deploying tear gas, shooting rubber bullets, and threatening students with machetes, is wholly unacceptable and must be condemned.


Compliance with Protesters' Demands:

The government must heed the legitimate demands of the quota protesters. These demands are crucial for ensuring a fair and equitable recruitment system based on merit rather than outdated quota allocations.


Hold Law Enforcement Officers Accountable:

The Bangladesh Police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), and Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have participated in violence against student protestors. Specifically, the Bangladesh Police have directly attacked students, killing many by shooting bullets at them, and have sheltered the Bangladesh Student League (BSL), also known as the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), in attacking unarmed students with firearms and local weapons. Journalists reporting in favour of peaceful protesters are also being beaten by the police. These actions are clear violations of the Constitution of Bangladesh, as well as international human rights law. The violence extends beyond peaceful protestors to include students, patients, and drivers in ambulances. The use of excessive force, arbitrary detentions, and harassment of peaceful protesters are crimes against humanity that must be addressed and rectified.

According to the Constitution of Bangladesh:

  • Article 31 guarantees protection of law.

  • Article 32 ensures the right to life and personal liberty.

  • Article 35(5) prohibits torture.

Additionally, international human rights law, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, affirms that:

  • Law enforcement officials must respect and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons (UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, Article 2).

  • Obedience to superior orders shall not be a defence for violations committed by police (Human Rights Standards and Practice for the Police, OHCHR).

There must be thorough and impartial investigations into the violence and human rights violations committed by these forces. Those responsible must be brought to justice according to both the national constitution and international human rights standards. This includes ensuring accountability for the Bangladesh Police's actions and implementing measures to prevent such violations in the future.


Designation of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) as a Terrorist Organisation:

The Bangladesh Chhatra League, responsible for instigating sanctioned violence and intimidation against anyone who criticises the government, aids the government in suppressing freedom of expression and shares equal responsibility for conducting violence with the police, must be recognised as a terrorist organisation. The Bangladesh Chhatra League, with its history of torturing students in their residential halls, threatening them to abide by their orders, and suppressing their freedom of expression, has long been a significant contributor to the unrest and suffering of the student community. Their actions must be condemned and addressed appropriately.

"In these trying times, we earnestly request your thoughts and prayers for the safety and well-being of the students and citizens of Bangladesh. As we courageously stand for justice and equality amidst severe repression, your support and solidarity can provide us with the strength and hope needed to endure and overcome these hardships. Let us unite in prayer for an end to the violence, the restoration of peace, and the establishment of a fair and just society"

 ― Barrister Abdullah Al Noman, London, UK

When the price of a bullet is cheaper than your freedom. Rebel against it even if it costs you everything.

--- Syed Sakib, UK

"Amnesty International strongly condemns the killing of student Abu Sayed and the attacks against quota reform protesters across the country"

---- Taqbir Huda, Regional Researcher for South Asia at Amnesty International.

​​"I humbly ask for your thoughts and prayers for the students in Bangladesh. My heart aches as I witness their courage and determination in standing up for justice and fairness, only to be met with brutal violence. These young individuals are risking everything to protest against a deeply unfair quota system, and the tragic loss of life and countless injuries are unbearable. As they continue their fight for a more equitable society, I believe our support and solidarity can provide them with much-needed strength and hope "

--- Adib Hossain, UK

"With Bangladesh’s recent violent activity towards protesters and no internet & telecommunication service currently, we are deeply concerned about our family, loved ones and general people.

We want the communication system to be back asap and we want a fair investigation to each and every single murders starting from Abu Sayed which has been caused by police shooting him to death while he was protesting peacefully. We want basic human rights to be followed and not to be afraid to speak the truth"

 ― Arony Nabila Nur, Eastbourne, UK

"I didn't witness the Liberation War, but I did see the Freedom Fighters in 2024. I'm proud of all the protestors. Please save those young, innocent lives. The police are killing our kids without any logical reason. They are students aged 13-22 and do not support any political party. They are protesting for rights. In a democracy, everyone should have freedom of speech. So why is there such brutality? We want answers"

 ― Fahmida Dewan Jhilik, UK


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Quota Movement Bangladesh 2024

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